Tender Dinghi
Tender Dinghi
Tender Dinghi - 2103
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Grófleiki: Fingering
Prjónfesta: 30 L og 42 umf = 10 x 10 cm
Prjónar: 2,5 mm
Þyngd / lengd: 100 gr / 425 m
Meðhöndlun: Ullarprógram 40°C
Hráefni: 75% hrein ný ull (superwash) og 25% polyamide
Verðlaunalínan "According to Hundertwasser" frá Opal er innblásin af verkum Friedensreich Hundertwasser og er ein þekktasta línan sem kemur úr smiðju Opal. Munstrin og litirnir eru hverjum öðrum fallegri og skemmtilegri.
Ein dokka dugar í par :)
Hundertwasser hefur þetta að segja um verkið sitt Tender Dinghi:
Dinghies are small boats which are put onto large ships or dragged along behind them on a rope and which are then used to get on land to fetch provisions. My Regentag dinghy originates from 1970 with its "mother ship" from Venice; it is made of fibreglass and has been patched with so many new layers that I have a hard time pulling it onto the beach alone. You can row it, use an outboard motor up to 6 hp and sail with it, too, if you lower a centreboard through the middle slit. I often use it to get home through the mangrove channel, from the boat or from Opua.