The four solitudes
The four solitudes
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The four solitudes - 2105
Við kaup á einni sokkadokku kemur sjálfkrafa frítt pdf skjal í tölvupósti með uppskrift af sokkunum okkar fyrir skóstærð 22 uppí 47.
Grófleiki: Fingering
Prjónfesta: 30 L og 42 umf = 10 x 10 cm
Prjónar: 2,5 mm
Þyngd / lengd: 100 gr / 425 m
Meðhöndlun: Ullarprógram 40°C
Hráefni: 75% hrein ný ull (superwash) og 25% polyamide
Verðlaunalínan "According to Hundertwasser" frá Opal er innblásin af verkum Friedensreich Hundertwasser og er ein þekktasta línan sem kemur úr smiðju Opal. Munstrin og litirnir eru hverjum öðrum fallegri og skemmtilegri.
Ein dokka dugar í par :)
Hundertwasser hefur þetta að segja um verkið sitt The four solitudes:
This is a picture about high water, like 609 Shipwreck. Even the trees are under water. I was living for two months with a French family I was friends with in a castle on Corsica and put together picture grounds, primed and painted within the cool, thick walls, while streams of tourists passed by in the searing heat outside. I had this feeling of comfort when painting in the barrel vaults on Santorin, too, in the cool mountains of Tahiti, in the dwelling caves of Matmata in Tunisia, where I had to put on a sweater even though the hot desert was up above, and in my mill on the Kamp, where it was warm at my wood-burning stove while there were often sub-zero temperatures outside.